Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Blogaversary!

Woo-hoo! Happy Blogaversary! Let’s celebrate! It’s been one year since a couple of my friends encouraged me to take the plunge and start a blog. I’m so glad I did. I love writing. I always knew I loved writing, but the whole blog thing put a new layer on it. If you remember my blog profile said (it’s now been updated) I love to write but hate to have others read my writing, well those days are over. I love when people read my blog! I love when they comment on the blog page or via facebook or email, or-my personal favorite-face to face. The Leo in me can’t get enough of the praise, when I say “Shucks, go on…” I mean really go on. Go on and on!

Yet, having said all that I must admit that part of me still gets a little queasy each time I post something. I mean, you are talking to a girl who has queried many a magazine in my day only to get rejection, upon rejection, upon rejection. (I do have one article published in a Montessori magazine called Tomorrow’s Child, but other than that I have a drawer full of rejections.) Two of the rejections are handwritten which I guess is almost as good as being published; as my published friends always assure me. Each time I post a blog, I worry that it will be boring or humorless or all around poorly written. What if people lose interest in reading it? What if they never come back? What if they talk about how embarrassed they are for me, Poor girl thinks she can write, when really she’s the literary equivalent of Elaine Bennis on the dance floor.

But, I mustn’t worry too much because here we are, me writing and you reading. You are reading this right? Oh phew. So where were we? Oh right, we were getting ready to celebrate my Blogaversary. So while you fill your wine glass (again, but I won’t tell) and grab another cookie, I’ll start preparing for the celebration. And how does one celebrate such a momentous occasion?

By letting the magazine editors of the world know that I am not scarred by their rejection, because I have my followers, my peeps. This is intended to be a rap, but I think you could sing it out opera style, too, if you prefer. Here goes…

This one is dedicated to the thirty-one smartest people on the planet:

Dear Editor
Did you get my query letter?
You’ve got subscribers,
But I’ve got something better.
You see over here at the Squeaky Voice,
I’ve got the prime of the prime,
The choice of the choice.

I’ve got followers,
I’ve got thirty-one,
Who choose to read my blog
Because it’s super fun.
It makes no difference
That you’ve rejected my ideas
‘Cause here we’re grassroots
Let’s toast to that-Cheers!

I write what I want
And I write it with style,
And when my followers comment
It makes me smile.
Unless of course they say
It’s super dumb.
But that would never happen
With my Thirty-one.

My thirty-one are special
And they’re wicked smart.
They understand that writing
is a work of art.
They see Squeaky Voice and they click on the link
Because they know what I say will not stink.

Hopefully they smile
And let out a chuckle
Maybe they laugh so hard
That their knees start to buckle.

Thirty-one people can’t possibly be wrong
Just ask my mom or my sister,
Or my friend Tim Wong.

Dear Editor
my letter’s sittin’ in your box
Please say you’ll have me,
Because the Squeaky Voice rocks.

On that note I will leave you with your wine and cookies. Thanks for your support. I hope our first Blogaversary together was everything you dreamed it would be. I know it was for me.


  1. Love it Aimee.. Great rap. I can picture you signing it.. altho I think it could use a ding dong ding dong.. BOOOOOONG... :)

    I always enjoy reading your blog. It's great! I get a chuckle out of it all the time.

    Happy Blogaversary!! :) I wish you many more successful years!

  2. You crack me up! I cant believe it's been a year since we all talked about this.
