Friday, August 12, 2011

Twenty Things I Learned from my Twentieth High School Reunion (or already knew but needed a reminder):

1. I know all the words to Bon Jovi’s Living On a Prayer—can’t decide if I’m ashamed or impressed.

2. Staying up until 5:30 in the morning should be illegal for anyone over the age of 30.

3. I’m not as good with names as I thought.

4. People remember things you wish they forgot, and forget things you wish they remembered.

5. I’m not totally into vanity, but a cute dress, good make-up and a great hairdresser go a long way.

6. There’s something truly heartwarming about people who married their high school sweethearts.

7. Boston sports fans will ALWAYS choose Red Sox tickets over money.

8. Don’t waste time talking about your job, your location or how cute your kids are—everyone knows these things from Facebook already.

9. Just because you like two people does not mean they will like each other and that’s actually okay.

10. Aimee speaking to a crowd over a microphone gives the Squeaky Voice a whole new meaning-ugh.

11. Everyone still looks so young-until you put in the video and slideshow. :)

12. The song More Than Words is both the most catchy and most annoying song on the planet, even after twenty years.

13. The people you enjoyed talking to in high school are still pretty cool.

14. The people you didn’t really talk to in high school are pretty cool, too.

15. I am now older than most of my teachers were when I was in high school.

16. Drinking champagne out of a bottle at 4:00 am is never a good idea.

17. No matter how much you try you can’t look normal when you are on a crowded elevator with half a mannequin pressed up against you and a headless lion costume slung over your shoulder.

18. Even if you aren’t a good dancer you should dance. It might be ugly, but it’s so much fun.

19. Everyone has a funny story and a great high school memory to share, spend some time listening to them.

20. We are all grown-ups and should behave as such, but there is something to be said for acting like you're seventeen again just for one night…


  1. i love it.....sooo funny n soooooo true!!!!!

  2. Another great posting from you! Love it. And sorry again that I missed the reunion. Just couldn't get my act together. Love and miss you.

  3. I love it Aimee, i love it...and YES, Champagne is now a bad word in my 3 days later it took me to function...but it was worth being up until 5 am...i had a blast.
