Monday, April 12, 2010

Family Resemblance

We have all heard it said that over time husbands and wives begin to look alike. Frankly, I am doubtful that Mike and I look alike, though that would explain the hair over my lip (just kidding I don't have hair over my lip, or maybe I do, but I'm not going to blog about it!! I do have a shred of dignity, sheesh), but there certainly have been subtle changes in personality over time. For instance, I believe Mike is funnier than he used to be and I take partial credit for that. He's not as shy as he once was, I'm taking points for that one, too. As for me, well, among other things I've picked up, I know how to bleed brakes, impressive, right?

So when Mike texted me this evening around 5:30 saying he locked his keys in the truck and needed me to come rescue him, I just smiled, laughed and headed out to save him. Sure, many people would be frustrated to walk in the door, kick off their shoes, get their kids started on piano practice, only to receive a call (or text) for help right away. Sure, he was 20 minutes away on the Navy Base. I hate the Navy Base. But how could I be mad at Mike, when locking keys in the car is a classic Aimee move? My first thought was "That's something I would do." Followed by my next thought "why was he locking the truck anyway, he never locks the truck?!"

This is not the first time Mike has pulled "an Aimee." It has been happening for years, it just seems to be happening more and more lately. Recently, our truck was in the shop. We were a one car family for a total of 9 days. On day 7 Mike went to the gym around 5:45 am and was supposed to come back home and pick the kids and me up around 7:30 to take us to school. 7:30 came and went--no Mike. 7:40 no can probably see where this is the meantime I was calling him, but his cell phone was upstairs in our room-- of courseI didn't hear it, as I think over time I have developed Mike's deafness.

I am not going to lie, I was getting worried and our buddy Eddy was about to go looking for Mike. Just after 8:00 Mike pulled into the driveway with a sheepish look on his face. He had been listening to the radio when he left the gym and got caught up listening to an interview (the interview was with a casket maker, I'm sure it must have been fascinating). Anyway, there he was listening and driving and driving. As he crossed the Narrows Bridge into Tacoma (25 minutes away from home mind you) he looked down at the clock on the dashboard- first thought, "I'm going to be early to work today." Second thought-"@##$%$^&*@#% " I need to pick Aimee and the kids up! I better call her and explain." Third thought "@#$%^&%*(@#! I left my phone at home." Frustrating right? Well, no, it was scary for sure, but once I stopped shaking and dried my eyes, I thought Oh my gosh I would do that, I've done that. Although, I wouldn't have been listening to such a morbid topic, but you already know that.

So this evening when I pulled up to the navy base kids, dog and truck keys in tow, I greeted Mike with a genuine smile. He leaned into the driver side window and I whispered "I secretly enjoy these moments." He smiled and said "I know, you do."

So, no, you probably won't see me tinkering in the garage with a cup of Jack and Coke anytime soon, nor will you see Mike browsing the petite section of Ann Taylor Loft, but give us twenty years, you never know!


  1. Love it!! Especially the second to last paragraph!!!

  2. Aimee - just for you I figured out how to create a google account! This post was so good, so funny and so true! Keep writing!

  3. I love the connection you had in the end...I'll be looking for Mike at Ann Taylor!! hehehe
