Tuesday, April 20, 2010

An Old School Rap About my Pooch

I have a dog
we named her Six.
She can't have babies
We had her fixed.
She's really sweet
and kinda lazy,
when she shakes her tail
she drives the boy dogs crazy.

When home alone
she gets a li'l bored.
She might chew a blanket
or poop on the floor.
It's not that she means
any harm,
but being lonely
gives her alarm.

So for our girl
we did install,
a doggy door
in the wall.
Now when bored
she need not pout.
She just waltzes through the door
and she is out.

Out in the yard
with the ducks and the frogs.
Out in the open
in the grass and the logs.

We head to work
and we are happy.
Knowing her day
won't be so crappy.

Yeah, everything's fine
I was sure.
'Til today
I found on my door
A note, a warning
a slap on the wrist
From the county
you get the gist.

It says my sweet dog
isn't so quiet
with our neighbors
she's causing a riot.
At least one neighbor
isn't impressed
cuz Six won't give
her barking a rest.

This all came
as a big surprise
'cuz when we're home
she never cries.
Or barks or howls
or yips or yaps.
She just snuggles up
and has a nap.

So to our problem
we need a solution
to keep her from a
doggy-jail-like institution.
do we get a collar
that gives a shock?
Or secure her doggy door
with a padlock?

And as for our neighbor
what will she do next?
Silence the otters?
Give the geese a vex?
Will she call the county
when the frogs start croakin'?
When the fish start jumpin'?
When the bees start pokin'?

Sure, an obnoxious dog
is nothing to defend
but this is Six
our very best friend.
So to our neighbor
a couple shoulder shrugs
and a gift card
for some shiny new ear plugs.


  1. I read your blog and knew
    just what to do
    I'd write a rap
    just like you

    I tried and tried
    with all my might
    I tried and then sighed
    "I just can't get it right!"

    It sounds like your neighbor
    is a cranky old sort
    and should be living
    in an old fort.

    And to your neighbor
    I dare say
    Leave Six alone
    Just let her play!

    In conclusion, let's not forget
    That our friend Six
    is a wonderful pet

  2. Mom two things:1. I had a feeling you would reply in rhyme.
    2. you are adorable. :)

  3. Well I guess we know where you get it Aimee!!
    You are both adorable!

    To answer some questions that came up in the rap, the bark collar is ok if you want to listen to bark, yelp, bark, yelp....

  4. Very cute!!! You rival Marky Mark & MC Hammer ;o)

  5. I think you need a few more dogs!
